Source code for arcovid19.models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, Bruno Sanchez, Mauricio Koraj, Vanessa Daza,
#                     Juan B Cabral, Mariano Dominguez, Marcelo Lares,
#                     Nadia Luczywo, Dante Paz, Rodrigo Quiroga,
#                     Martín de los Ríos, Federico Stasyszyn
#                     Cristian Giuppone.
# License: BSD-3-Clause
#   Full Text:

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"""Utilities to Utility function to parse all the actual cases of the
COVID-19 in Argentina.


__all__ = [
    "Node", "Graph", "InfectionCurve",

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import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

import seaborn as sns

import attr

from . import core

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[docs]class NodeNotFoundError(KeyError): """If a node is not found inside a graph"""
# ============================================================================= # GRAPHS # =============================================================================
[docs]@attr.s(repr=False, hash=True) class Node: """This class is used to create and manipulated nodes. """ id = attr.ib() value = attr.ib(eq=False) outgoing = attr.ib(factory=dict, eq=False) incoming = attr.ib(factory=dict, eq=False) def __repr__(self): string = ( f"{} node, " f"outgoing: {[ for x in self.outgoing]} " f"incoming: {[ for x in self.incoming]}") return string
[docs] def add_neighbor(self, neighbor, names, values): self.outgoing[neighbor] = {} for n, v in zip(names, values): self.outgoing[neighbor][n] = v
[docs] def be_neighbor(self, neighbor, names, values): self.incoming[neighbor] = {} for n, v in zip(names, values): self.incoming[neighbor][n] = v
[docs] def get_connections(self): return self.outgoing.keys()
[docs] def get_weight(self, neighbor): return self.outgoing[neighbor]
[docs]@attr.s(repr=False, frozen=True) class Graph: """ This class is used to create and manipulated graphs. It makes a heavy use of the node class A graph is made of nodes and edges. This class allows to store a value for each node and different "weights" for each edge. Also, edges are directed. Example ------- >>> g = Graph() >>> for i, inode in enumerate(['A','B','C','D']): ... print(i) ... g.add_node(inode, 0) >>> nms = ['x', 'y'] >>> g.add_edge('A', 'B', nms, [1, 100]) >>> g.add_edge('A', 'C', nms, [2, 200]) >>> g.add_edge('B', 'D', nms, [3, 300]) >>> g.add_edge('D', 'B', nms, [4, 400]) >>> g.add_edge('D', 'C', nms, [5, 500]) >>> g.add_edge('C', 'C', nms, [6, 600]) # A node can be connected to itself. >>> g.add_edge('B', 'B', nms, [333, 333]) >>> ... Attributes ---------- vert_dict: dict a dict containing the vertices """ vert_dict = attr.ib(factory=dict) def __len__(self): return len(self.vert_dict) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.vert_dict.values()) # node functions --------------------------------------
[docs] def add_node(self, nnode, value): """Adds a new node to a graph. The node must have a value. """ new_node = Node(nnode, value) self.vert_dict[nnode] = new_node return new_node
[docs] def get_node(self, n): """Retrieve a node if exists. Parameters ---------- n: str Returns ------- node: a node object """ return self.vert_dict.get(n)
[docs] def get_node_value(self, n): """Returns the value of the node. Parameters ---------- n: str Returns ------- value: float """ node = self.get_node(n) if node: return node.value
[docs] def set_node(self, n, value): """Updates the Node value. The node must exists inside the graph. Parameters ---------- n: str The ID or name of the node value: float The value to be assigned to the node """ node = self.get_node(n) if node: node.value = value
[docs] def get_node_ids(self): return list(self.vert_dict.keys())
[docs] def get_nodes_to(self, nnode): v = self.get_node(nnode) or [] c = [ for i in v.incoming] return c
[docs] def get_nodes_from(self, nnode): v = self.get_node(nnode) or [] c = [ for i in v.outgoing] return c
# edge functions --------------------------------------
[docs] def add_edge(self, frm, to, names=None, values=0): """Link two nodes inside a graph. Notes ----- Does not verify if edge already exists Raises ------ NodeNotFound: If one of the node are not tregistered in the graph """ if names is None: names = [] try: self.vert_dict[frm].add_neighbor(self.vert_dict[to], names, values) self.vert_dict[to].be_neighbor(self.vert_dict[frm], names, values) except KeyError as e: raise NodeNotFoundError from e
[docs] def get_edge(self, frm, to, field): if frm not in self.vert_dict: self.add_node(frm) if to not in self.vert_dict: self.add_node(to) v_frm = self.get_node(frm) v_to = self.get_node(to) ws = v_frm.get_weight(v_to) return ws[field]
# graph functions --------------------------------------
[docs] def resume_weights(self): resume = [] for v in self: nr = {"id":, "value": v.value, "conections": []} for w in v.get_connections(): nr["conections"].append({ "id":, "weight": v.get_weight(w)}) resume.append(nr) return resume
[docs] def format_weights(self): formats = [] for nr in self.resume_weights(): nr_id = nr['id'] nf = [f"Node {nr_id}: {nr['value']}"] for c in nr["conections"]: nf.append(f"\t{nr_id} -> {c['id']} {c['weight']}") formats.append(nf) return "\n".join(formats)
[docs] def resume_connections(self): resume = [] for inode in self.get_node_ids(): nr = { "node": inode, "from": self.get_nodes_from(inode), "to": self.get_nodes_to(inode)} resume.append(nr) return resume
[docs] def format_connections(self): formats = [] for nr in self.resume_connections(): nf = [ f"Nodes from {nr['node']}: {nr['from']}", f"Nodes to {nr['node']}: {nr['to']}"] formats.append(nf) return "\n".join(formats)
# computation functions --------------------------------
[docs] def node_activation(self, nnode, key): nodes_to = self.get_nodes_to(nnode) activations = [] for v in nodes_to: a = self.get_node(v) activations.append(self.get_edge(, nnode, key)) return activations
[docs] def node_upgrade(self, nnode, key): nodes_to = self.get_nodes_to(nnode) upgrades = [] for v in nodes_to: a = self.get_node(v) upgrades.append(self.get_edge(, nnode, key)) return upgrades
# ============================================================================= # API # ============================================================================= class ModelResultPlotter(core.Plotter): default_plot_name_method = "infection_curve" def infection_curve( self, only=None, fill=False, log=False, ax=None, **kwargs ): """Plots the infection curve. Parameters ---------- only : list, optional List of subset of columns of the models to be plotted. fill : boolean of float, optional If its true a all the area bellow the curve are filled with the same color of the curve with en alpha of ``0.1``. If fill is a float the value is interpreted as the alpha of the fill. log : boolean, default=False if ax : matplotlib Axes, optional Axes object to draw the plot onto, otherwise uses the current Axes. kwargs : key, value mappings Other keyword arguments are passed down to :meth:`seaborn.lineplot`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it. """ df = self.frame.df if only is not None: df = df[only] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if log: ax.set(yscale="log") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:g}'.format(y))) # our default values kwargs.setdefault("linewidth", 2) kwargs.setdefault("sort", False) kwargs.setdefault("dashes", False) sns.lineplot(data=df, ax=ax, **kwargs) if fill: alpha = 0.1 if isinstance(fill, bool) else fill for line in ax.lines[:len(df.columns)]: color = line.get_color() line_x = line.get_xydata()[:, 0] line_y = line.get_xydata()[:, 1] ax.fill_between(line_x, line_y, color=color, alpha=alpha) ax.set_xlabel('Time [days]') ax.set_ylabel('Number infected') mname = self.frame.model_name pop = self.frame.population ax.set_title( f"Infection curve - Model: {mname} - Population: {pop}") return ax class ModelResultFrame(core.Frame): """Wrapper around the model results table.. This class adds functionalities around the dataframe. The name of the model can be accesed as ``instance.modelname``. """ plot_cls = ModelResultPlotter
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class InfectionCurve: """MArce documentame me siento sola. Parameters ---------- population: int (default=600000) Population. N_init: int (default=10) Number of initial infections. R: float (default=1.2) Reproduction number. intervention_start: int (default=15) Start intervention days. intervention_end: int (default=25) End intervention days. intervention_decrease: float (default=70) Decrease in transmission for intervention, percentage (0-100) 100 means total isolation. t_incubation: float (default=5.) Length of incubation period. t_infectiou: = (default=9.) Duration patient is infectious. t_death: float (default=32.) Time from end of incubation to death. mild_recovery: float (default=0.2) Recovery time for mild (not severnot severe) cases, days hospitalization rate (fraction). bed_stay: float (default=28.) Length of hospital stay, days. bed_rate: float (default=0.2) Hospitalization rate (fraction). bed_wait: int (default=5) Time from first synthoms to hospitalization (days). beta: float (default=1.236) SEIR Model beta ($\\beta$). sigma: float (default=1.1) SEIR Model sigma ($\\sigma$). gamma: float (default=1.1) SEIR Model gamma ($\\gamma$). References ---------- “Stochastic SIR model with Python,” epirecipes. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-May-2020]. """ population: int = attr.ib(default=600000) N_init: int = attr.ib(default=10) R: float = attr.ib(default=1.2) intervention_start: int = attr.ib(default=15) intervention_end: int = attr.ib(default=25) intervention_decrease: float = attr.ib(default=70) t_incubation: float = attr.ib(default=5.) t_infectious: float = attr.ib(default=9.) t_death: float = attr.ib(default=32.) mild_recovery: float = attr.ib(default=11.) bed_stay: float = attr.ib(default=28.) bed_rate: float = attr.ib(default=0.2) bed_wait: int = attr.ib(default=5) beta: float = attr.ib(default=1.236) sigma: float = attr.ib(default=1.1) gamma: float = attr.ib(default=1.1)
[docs] def do_SIR(self, t_max=200, dt=1.): """This function implements a SIR model without vital dynamics under the assumption of a closed population. Recovered individuals become immune for ever. In this model exposed individuals become instantly infectious, i.e., there is no latency period like in the SEIR model. Parameters ---------- t_max: int (default=200) Time range [days]. dt: float (default=1.) Time step [days]. Returns ------- value: Time series for S, I and R """ dt = float(dt) g = Graph() for node in ['I', 'C', 'R', 'H', 'B', 'U', 'D']: g.add_node(node, 0) g.set_node('I', self.N_init) # cumulative time series I = [g.get_node_value('I')] # noqa Infected C = [g.get_node_value('C')] # Confirmed R = [g.get_node_value('R')] # Recovered ts = [0.] # time series nms = ['prob', 'lag'] # En este modelo todos los infectados se confirman a los 10 # dias y se curan a los 20 dias de confirmados T_IC = int(self.t_incubation / dt) T_CR = 20 f_IC = 1. f_CR = 1. g.add_edge('I', 'I', nms, [self.R, 0]) g.add_edge('I', 'C', nms, [f_IC, T_IC]) g.add_edge('C', 'R', nms, [f_CR, T_CR]) t, time_steps = 0., 0 while t < t_max: time_steps = time_steps + 1 t = t + dt ts.append(t) # (( I )) prob_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'prob') prob_IC = g.get_edge('I', 'C', 'prob') lag_IC = g.get_edge('I', 'C', 'lag') update_IC = I[-lag_IC] if lag_IC < len(I) else 0. n_I = ( min(I[-1] + I[-1] * prob_II * dt, self.population) - # noqa update_IC * prob_IC * dt) n_I = max(n_I, 0) I.append(n_I) # (( C )) prob_CR = g.get_edge('C', 'R', 'prob') lag_CR = g.get_edge('C', 'R', 'lag') update_CR = C[-lag_CR] if lag_CR < len(C) else 0. n_C = ( min(C[-1] + update_IC * prob_IC * dt, self.population) - # noqa update_CR * prob_CR * dt) n_C = max(n_C, 0) C.append(n_C) # (( R )) # recuperados nuevos n_R = min(R[-1] + update_CR * prob_CR * dt, self.population) n_R = max(n_R, 0) R.append(n_R) df = pd.DataFrame( {'ts': ts, 'I': I, 'C': C, 'R': R}).set_index("ts") extra = attr.asdict(self) extra["model_name"] = "SIR" return ModelResultFrame(df=df, extra=extra)
[docs] def do_SEIR(self, t_max=200, dt=1.): """This function implements a SEIR model without vital dynamics under the assumption of a closed population. Recovered individuals become immune for ever. ref.: Parameters ---------- t_max: int (default=200) Time range [days]. dt: float (default=1.) Time step [days]. Returns ------- value: Time series for S, E, I and R """ dt = float(dt) g = Graph() for node in ['S', 'E', 'I', 'R']: g.add_node(node, 0) g.set_node('S', self.population) g.set_node('E', 0) g.set_node('I', self.N_init) g.set_node('R', 0) # cumulative time series S = [g.get_node_value('S')] # Susceptible E = [g.get_node_value('E')] # Exposed I = [g.get_node_value('I')] # noqa Infected R = [g.get_node_value('R')] # Recovered ts = [0.] # time series nms = ['prob', 'lag'] g.add_edge('S', 'S', nms, [0.1, 2]) g.add_edge('E', 'E', nms, [0.4, 21]) g.add_edge('I', 'I', nms, [0.1, 2]) g.add_edge('S', 'E', nms, [1.2, 1]) g.add_edge('E', 'I', nms, [0.1, 14]) # [, tiempo de incubacion] g.add_edge('I', 'R', nms, [0.7, 2]) # [, tiempo de recuperacion] t, time_steps = 0., 0 while t < t_max: time_steps = time_steps + 1 t = t + dt ts.append(t) # (( S )) prob_SS = g.get_edge('S', 'S', 'prob') # beta dS = - S[-1] * (I[-1] / self.population) * prob_SS # n_S = min(S[-1] + min(dS * dt, 0), self.population) n_S = S[-1] + dS * dt # (( E )) prob_EE = g.get_edge('E', 'E', 'prob') dE = - dS - prob_EE * E[-1] # n_E = min(E[-1] + max(dE * dt, 0), self.population) n_E = E[-1] + dE * dt # (( I )) prob_EI = g.get_edge('E', 'I', 'prob') lag_EI = g.get_edge('E', 'I', 'lag') update_EI = E[-lag_EI] if lag_EI < len(E) else 0. prob_IR = g.get_edge('I', 'R', 'prob') lag_IR = g.get_edge('I', 'R', 'lag') update_IR = I[-lag_IR] if lag_IR < len(I) else 0. prob_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'prob') dI = prob_EI * update_EI - prob_IR * update_IR dI = -dI # porque ???? n_I = min(I[-1] + dI * dt, self.population) # (( R )) prob_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'prob') dR = prob_II * I[-1] n_R = min(R[-1] + max(dR * dt, 0), self.population) S.append(n_S) E.append(n_E) I.append(n_I) R.append(n_R) df = pd.DataFrame( {'ts': ts, 'S': S, 'E': E, 'I': I, 'R': R}).set_index("ts") extra = attr.asdict(self) extra["model_name"] = "SEIR" return ModelResultFrame(df=df, extra=extra)
[docs] def do_SEIRF(self, t_max=200, dt=1.): """Documentame MARCE Parameters ---------- t_max: int (default=200) Time range [days]. dt: float (default=1.) Time step [days]. Returns ------- value: Time series for S, E, I, R and F """ dt = float(dt) g = Graph() for node in ['S', 'E', 'I', 'R', 'F']: g.add_node(node, 0) g.set_node('S', self.population) g.set_node('E', 0) g.set_node('I', self.N_init) g.set_node('R', 0) g.set_node('F', 0) # cumulative time series S = [g.get_node_value('S')] # Susceptible E = [g.get_node_value('E')] # Exposed I = [g.get_node_value('I')] # noqa Infected R = [g.get_node_value('R')] # Recovered F = [g.get_node_value('F')] # Fatalities ts = [0.] # time series nms = ['prob', 'lag'] g.add_edge('S', 'E', nms, [0.2, 0]) g.add_edge('E', 'E', nms, [0.1, 0]) g.add_edge('E', 'I', nms, [0.7, 14]) g.add_edge('I', 'I', nms, [1.2, 14]) g.add_edge('I', 'R', nms, [0.98, 30]) g.add_edge('I', 'F', nms, [0.02, 30]) t, time_steps = 0., 0 while t < t_max: time_steps = time_steps + 1 t = t + dt ts.append(t) # (( S )) prob_SE = g.get_edge('S', 'E', 'prob') # beta dS = - S[-1] * (I[-1] / self.population) * prob_SE n_S = S[-1] + dS * dt # (( E )) prob_EE = g.get_edge('E', 'E', 'prob') lag_EE = g.get_edge('E', 'E', 'lag') update_EE = E[-lag_EE] if lag_EE < len(E) else 0. dE = - dS - prob_EE * update_EE n_E = E[-1] + dE * dt # (( I )) prob_EI = g.get_edge('E', 'I', 'prob') lag_EI = g.get_edge('E', 'I', 'lag') update_EI = E[-lag_EI] if lag_EI < len(E) else 0. prob_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'prob') lag_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'lag') update_II = I[-lag_II] if lag_II < len(I) else 0. prob_IR = g.get_edge('I', 'R', 'prob') lag_IR = g.get_edge('I', 'R', 'lag') update_IR = I[-lag_IR] if lag_IR < len(I) else 0. prob_II = g.get_edge('I', 'I', 'prob') dI = ( prob_EI * update_EI + # noqa prob_II * update_II - # noqa prob_IR * update_IR) n_I = min(I[-1] + dI * dt, self.population) # (( R )) prob_IF = g.get_edge('I', 'F', 'prob') lag_IF = g.get_edge('I', 'F', 'lag') update_IF = I[-lag_IF] if lag_IF < len(R) else 0. dR = prob_IR * update_IR - prob_IF * update_IF n_R = min(R[-1] + max(dR * dt, 0), self.population) # (( F )) n_F = min(I[-1] + max(dR * dt, 0), self.population) S.append(n_S) E.append(n_E) I.append(n_I) R.append(n_R) F.append(n_F) df = pd.DataFrame( {'ts': ts, 'S': S, 'E': E, 'I': I, 'R': R, 'F': F}).set_index("ts") extra = attr.asdict(self) extra["model_name"] = "SEIRF" return ModelResultFrame(df=df, extra=extra)
# ============================================================================= # FUNCTION # =============================================================================
[docs]def load_infection_curve(**kwargs): """Return a new instance of infection curve.""" # aca se va a leer los archivos remotos y se va a cargar # en InfectionCurve de alguna forma aun no establecida return InfectionCurve(**kwargs)